2010年11月24日 星期三
2010年11月18日 星期四
Impression on Lijiang
On 20th of October 2011, I went to Lijiang, a picturesque old town located in Southwest China's Yunnan province. In addition to carrying a set of heavy DSLR, I put a BenQ P1410 into my photo backpack. Whenever I wanted to act as a tourist, instead of a photographer, I carried only BenQ P1410 with me and put it into my pocket, which enforced me to observe the world with my eyes instead of the viewfinder (of a DSLR). When the time and lighting were right, I quickly took out the compact DC and got snapshots of my impression on Lijiang.
2010年11月14日 星期日
Tamron SP 70-300mm F4-5.6 Di VC USD 測試報導
日本騰龍(Tamron)於2010年3月發表SP 70-300mm F4-5.6 Di VC USD(以下稱A005),它不只是Tamron第一顆擁有超音波自動對焦馬達的鏡頭,還搭載「XLD」超低色散鏡片,4級防手震補償系統,號稱擁有同級鏡頭超高水準的畫質和操控表現。接下來,一起檢視版主拍攝的畫面,看看它是否名副其實。